Title III Fellow Mark Kunimune was featured in an interview with Hawaiʻi Public Radio for his efforts in promoting mental health among emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Mark’s passion for these activities started through conversations with his colleagues at Kapi‘olani Community College as he considered ways to make this vision become a reality. Mark successfully applied for a seed grant from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Student Equity and Excellence in Diversity (SEED) Office to implement the project and started taking first responders on retreats to work in the Ho’okua’āina taro fields in Kailua as a way to process stress and trauma.
Related links:
- Russell Subiono, Oʻahu paramedics find help processing trauma through the healing powers of a taro patch, Hawai‘i Public Radio
(This interview aired on The Conversation on May 17, 2022.)